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The Skin

When we think about grooming our pets, we think about cutting our pets hair and making them soft and silky and fluffy. However, we are forgetting about what is underneath the hair. Did you know that your pets skin needs grooming as well ? Did you know that most dogs skin issues are directly related to improper or lack of grooming ? 

A lot of groomers don't know that we need to condition each and every dog after every bath. They also don't know that we are sometimes inadvertently doing more harm then good because over time as we wash the dogs skin and coat, we are washing away the dogs sebum oil and because of that, the dogs skin, might become dry, flaky and itchy. The dog owner, then takes the dog to the veterinarian and the veterinarian will most likely misdiagnose the dog as having some kind of allergy, sending the owner home with a harsh medicated shampoo, an oral medication and charging the dog owner hundreds of dollars. Over time, the likely out come of your pets skin issues will likely go on to be misdiagnosed costing you hundreds if not thousands of dollars when all your dog really needs are a few good therapy baths to rehydrate the skin and replace the sebum oil. 

Every dog has a keratinization cycle which is every 21 days.  The keratinization cycle is when a dog sheds his/her skin. In a perfect world, a dog should be bathed and conditioned  every 21 days so that we can remove the dead skin cells and replace the sebum oil. However, the world is not perfect and some groomers and dog owners may not know this. and from a financial standpoint, it is sometimes not financially feasible to bring their dog to the groomer every 21-30 days.

Every dog has what is called a sebaceous gland. This gland produces sebum oil. This oil moisturizes the skin and coat and acts as a  barrier and  protectant for the skin and coat.  When we bathe dogs with-out conditioning them, we wash away the sebum oil leaving the skin vulnerable to dryness, flakiness, itchiness and secondary issues such as hot-spots and air-borne allergies like pollen. 

Think about it like this, what happens when you wash your hands and don't moisturize your hands ? Your skin becomes dry, flaky, itchy and may even crack. and what happens when we don't condition our scalp ? we get dandruff.  Something very similar happens when we don.t groom and condition our dogs skin. 

We at Fur-Ever Freinds Pet Spa are certified canine skin and coat specialists.  We condition the skin and coat of  each and every dog regardless of breed or coat type with the finest quality conditioners from IGroom and Iv San Bernard. Conditioning each and every dog reduces shedding, keeps your pet looking and feeling cleaner for a longer period of time, strengthens the hair follicles, therefore your pets hair will be healthier and lessens the probability of skin issues and because of that, you will have less vet visits putting more money in your pocket..



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